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So far so good, although I could do without the creepy cop dude or the russian woman. You can't take back death and there is no feasible way a death can be repayed, so that just strikes me as her taking advantage of his guilt, which I have a big problem with.

Not a fan of that either

How many chapters it has this far for patreons? 3?

Chapter 4 release date? 


Going to be a while and probably wont have much content


You're correct that it's going to be a while, but seriously incorrect about it "not having much content." Every chapter of this game is 1.5-3 hours long by the average readers standards unless you're just skipping through the text... and that's excluding the various paths and branching.

+We always release updates in full chapters. :)


The scene at Gracie's grave made me cry, Amazing Grace was an Awesome touch to that scene. 


Glad you're liking the game so far stevie <3

Deleted 66 days ago

Is it supposed to charge me again for chapter 3? Because for some reason it doesn't seem to.


I have a question for the ppl who play this game, can you give me a rate from 1 - 5 on the story, art, ext please.


5 on everything. Don't forget to support Dev on their Patreon account and get access to Chapter 3 too.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

they are on patron this is basically an ad for the game

what is the newest chapter on patreon right now? I found polarity CH3, but couldnt find Radiant

(2 edits)

Radiant chapter .2.1 and i think new about to drop few weeks

(3 edits) (+3)

@ApexMerc What you are saying is false/outdated (my fault tho).

While we do have a Patreon, our Itch/GameJolt and other store pages where we sell the game are not "just an ad for the game." Each chapter will be released to patrons first in early-access, until it is ready/finished being polished and tested.

Once the latest chapter is no longer in early-access we release it here.

This is not uncommon practice nor should it be surprising, as it wouldn't make sense to sell a game to people before we're 100% sure it's ready and bug-free.

Originally we did plan to only release Chapter 1 here (for free) and keep the rest exclusive to Patreon, but we changed our plans a long time ago due to popular demand. I've updated the game-page to reflect this as well.

This is great news!  Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought all future chapters were going to be Patreon only.

(1 edit) (+4)

This miscommunication is likely my own fault, as back when I released Chapter 1 here (for free) -- making the rest of the game Patreon-exclusive was the plan.

However the game ended up being pretty popular here so we decided to just sell the "final" version of each episode/chapter :P

Speaking of good news, Chapter 3 will be released here in less than 24 hours.


I just finished making three runs through the story, maxing all three psyches.  I really like it stories that give these options.  The story and artwork are amazing!  Looking forward to Chapter 4!


SorryI was not trying to spread misinformation just trying to help support you and spread the word 


No worries at all my friend, like I said the miscommunication was likely my own fault as well :P


its really sad that this game and polarity gets good and the dev abandons the game


If you had read the last paragraph in the above description then you would have seen this....'

Future chapters will be Patreon exclusive... so if you wish to play the newest chapter  and get it the moment it's released please consider supporting the game for just $5/mo! You'll also get exclusive rewards, alpha and beta game-builds, access to the Official Discord, and much more.

How come u cant let people buy the chapters in itch then. Doesnt make sense. Post the update so many people other than me support u too.

(1 edit) (-3)

Some creators don't post paid updates due to costs. Some sites gives creators full funds where other places take a cut from revenue. Patreon has a good rep for creators getting paid. If you want to support and get latest releases, sub to Sir Dammed. I have for over 6 months and I'm not disappointed.

I didnt know itch took a percentage. I thought ud get all the money. Thanks for explaining it to me. What chapter is it on btw. Ill support u on it (patreon) then.

Chapter 3 is due soon. This was posted 4th May by Sir Dammed

"I wanted to assure you guys that we're getting close to releasing what will be the longest chapter of the game so far (about 10% longer than Ch2 depending on your playstyle and choices). 

While we did lose a few days due to some unforeseen circumstances, it was nothing major and we're still mostly "on track."

I do feel a bit bad that we weren't able to reduce the overall development time this round, but please keep in mind that we're still playing a game of catchup from that huge delay that hit us back when we were making Chapter 2, so it was expected for this one to take a few months. I do think that we'll eventually be able to reduce the time between updates... we're just not quite there yet."

Its a shame my (middle eastern) country does not allow and actively blocks payments to Patreon so that it cannot be subscribed too

Amazing game. we hope for even more new content in the future or sequel.


Great game so far.  Maybe you can code in a way to change the "role" names.  The MC is clearly the father of the girls, not the "caretaker".  The girls are clearly daughters and not "wards".

Usually those type of names are put in due to local cencorship laws. But yea, an option to change it would be nice.


Damn!! Man you are awesome. Nicely plotted and great animations. Waiting for chapter 3 😉😀


is this as far as the game is going here?

Donde nos enteramos de los avances en el desarrollo de Radiant o la finalizacion de un capítulo nuevo? 

why is this tagged for VR?

When is ch3 coming out? Anybody?


i think he forgot us

"Future chapters will be Patreon exclusive..." - last paragraph.


Is there a plan for more fetishes?
The graphics are so good and the girls so beautifull, it would be a shame to not include the expansion fetish in this one.^^
Or heck, why not bimbo?
I mean, they already look like one speaking of the face.
Would really apprecheate it ;)


Just finished ch.2 When is ch 3 and 4 coming out? Love the game BTW!


Great game but the chapters are way too short.


Just Bought to support future development. threw in an extra buck too

Thank you my friend!

are you working on the chapter 3?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Chapter 3 of Radiant is in development, yeah. New progress report will be posted to Patreon later this month.


ok just wanted to know. just finished chapter 2 and its pretty good though the end was a cliffhanger, put me at the end of my seat.


Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!


when will the chapter 2 be free to the public

(1 edit) (+2)

Only Chapter 1 will be free to the public... though it's possible to find our games through less "official" sources and we won't knock you for it because we understand not everyone can afford the support.

Just Google search "Radiant Chapter 2" and I'm sure you can find it somewhere.


Ok thanks!!

No problem! :)

(2 edits) (+5)

The part when you read the letter from Gracie made me cry a little, I usually dont cry that often when i see something that is sad. Overall I think that chapter 1 was a really good introduction and I cant wait to play chapter 2 of the game. keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+2)

any idea on when chapter 3 is coming?


cool game i played polarity too :) i cant wait for 1st december to play chapter 2 


It was good, just way too sad for me to try chapter 2. I had to stop near the start because of how sad that was before I could try again.

Good job nonetheless, keep it up!

(2 edits) (+4)

For those inquiring, Chapter 2 is out but currently Patreon exclusive (except Chapter 1 - which is free to play). Chapter 2 will be released here on Itch and elsewhere on December 1st, 2020.

While Radiant is not a "free" game, I do offer another free game called Polarity which you're welcome to check out while you wait. 

Also: if you really want to play Chapter 2 and can't financially afford to offer your support: you have our blessing if you get it through other, less official means. I won't knock you for it because I've been there myself.

Love you guys, much respect.

How many chapters are there going to be?

(1 edit)

Radiant will have a minimum of 20 chapters, which should end up being around 30 hours of gameplay. Polarity will have around 11-12 chapters, closer to 15 hours.

Once Polarity is complete I will focus primarily on Radiant, with a small side-project that I will work on solo. However, when Radiant is done, I will start my next big project/continue to make games well into the future.


just finished day 2 and totally worth it.

my only issue with the game is how short it is

cant wait for chapter 3 already

Is there supposed to be another word for caretaker?

just call your char father or daddy  lol


when is chapter two going to be released puplicy?


I'm too ready to play.

I thought the term was pubicly... huh. lol


i wasn`t really paying attention when i typed that

Hey just finished the chapter one, it was pretty good hoping to see the next one soon.

Will you link chapter 2 to the Radiant Ch1 page?

If hit the follow button on the upper right, it will keep you updated. Itchio lets devs just upload more files to the original page and lets them change the title.
Or he could do a new page.
Either way, the follow will update you.


cant wait for chapter 2 either thanks for all ur work


Lol 90 Percent 69 days ago

Nice game confused on the girls but nice good story thumbs up.


The gods have spoken, 95% WOOT!


All my homies love this game and its exceptional artistic design and a story that immerses you.

Cant wait for the second chapter!


WOW is an understatement!

I am eagerly awaiting chapter 2, I hope the patreon page is accurate, 90% completion of chapter 2.

Great work, thanks!


So anyone tell me if this game not dead I don't see no update no one comment about the next chapter...or dev

Anyone knows next chapter coming out?

Hey man i was wondering about the release date? it has been over 20 days since Cap 2 90% done thing, so yeah

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