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Is there a plan for more fetishes?
The graphics are so good and the girls so beautifull, it would be a shame to not include the expansion fetish in this one.^^
Or heck, why not bimbo?
I mean, they already look like one speaking of the face.
Would really apprecheate it ;)


Just finished ch.2 When is ch 3 and 4 coming out? Love the game BTW!


Great game but the chapters are way too short.


Just Bought to support future development. threw in an extra buck too

Thank you my friend!

are you working on the chapter 3?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Chapter 3 of Radiant is in development, yeah. New progress report will be posted to Patreon later this month.


ok just wanted to know. just finished chapter 2 and its pretty good though the end was a cliffhanger, put me at the end of my seat.


Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!


when will the chapter 2 be free to the public

(1 edit) (+2)

Only Chapter 1 will be free to the public... though it's possible to find our games through less "official" sources and we won't knock you for it because we understand not everyone can afford the support.

Just Google search "Radiant Chapter 2" and I'm sure you can find it somewhere.


Ok thanks!!

No problem! :)

(2 edits) (+5)

The part when you read the letter from Gracie made me cry a little, I usually dont cry that often when i see something that is sad. Overall I think that chapter 1 was a really good introduction and I cant wait to play chapter 2 of the game. keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+2)

any idea on when chapter 3 is coming?


cool game i played polarity too :) i cant wait for 1st december to play chapter 2 


It was good, just way too sad for me to try chapter 2. I had to stop near the start because of how sad that was before I could try again.

Good job nonetheless, keep it up!

(2 edits) (+4)

For those inquiring, Chapter 2 is out but currently Patreon exclusive (except Chapter 1 - which is free to play). Chapter 2 will be released here on Itch and elsewhere on December 1st, 2020.

While Radiant is not a "free" game, I do offer another free game called Polarity which you're welcome to check out while you wait. 

Also: if you really want to play Chapter 2 and can't financially afford to offer your support: you have our blessing if you get it through other, less official means. I won't knock you for it because I've been there myself.

Love you guys, much respect.

How many chapters are there going to be?

(1 edit)

Radiant will have a minimum of 20 chapters, which should end up being around 30 hours of gameplay. Polarity will have around 11-12 chapters, closer to 15 hours.

Once Polarity is complete I will focus primarily on Radiant, with a small side-project that I will work on solo. However, when Radiant is done, I will start my next big project/continue to make games well into the future.


just finished day 2 and totally worth it.

my only issue with the game is how short it is

cant wait for chapter 3 already

Is there supposed to be another word for caretaker?

just call your char father or daddy  lol


when is chapter two going to be released puplicy?


I'm too ready to play.

I thought the term was pubicly... huh. lol


i wasn`t really paying attention when i typed that

Hey just finished the chapter one, it was pretty good hoping to see the next one soon.

Will you link chapter 2 to the Radiant Ch1 page?

If hit the follow button on the upper right, it will keep you updated. Itchio lets devs just upload more files to the original page and lets them change the title.
Or he could do a new page.
Either way, the follow will update you.


cant wait for chapter 2 either thanks for all ur work


Lol 90 Percent 69 days ago

Nice game confused on the girls but nice good story thumbs up.


The gods have spoken, 95% WOOT!


All my homies love this game and its exceptional artistic design and a story that immerses you.

Cant wait for the second chapter!


WOW is an understatement!

I am eagerly awaiting chapter 2, I hope the patreon page is accurate, 90% completion of chapter 2.

Great work, thanks!


So anyone tell me if this game not dead I don't see no update no one comment about the next chapter...or dev

Anyone knows next chapter coming out?

Hey man i was wondering about the release date? it has been over 20 days since Cap 2 90% done thing, so yeah

Hi, I was wondering if the next chapter i comming in its own like download seperate or of its gonna be combined in a likke a duel download

P.s sorry for my bad texting im a  little drunk


This visual novel is bringing out emotions of people playing it.

Sadness,happiness and fear, all these emotions are let out while playing this and this is only a good thing for this game, because this means that people who are playing it cares about the characters in-game

And it seams like you are faster to put out updates on this project then i could ever imagined, but faster dosen´t always mean good, take your time on this project, many developers rush projects and they make countless mistakes along the way, such as: speling,artwork and story mistakes.

I do hope that you will take as much time as you need for this/future projects and the best of luck to you.

P.s Love your work

Did you intentionally spell "speling" wrong to make a point? Also I agree, @Sir Dammed take your time and don't rush the great work!


Damn you Sir! (See what I did there)

That letter from Gracie hit me like a sack of potatoes. Such an intense feeling of loss, not just the grief for Gracie herself but the loss of the time that the MC and her could have spent together.
It brought me to tears and that doesn't happen often.

I can't wait for chapter two.


when is next update coming out


FIRST, Sir Dammed has true writting skills & knowes how put visions to words. Also says a lot that you did not use the cookie cutter models for your story, nice to see fresh. Out of ALL the VN I have played/read through, none carried the full picture like yours does. Even just the right amount of choices to not feel completely out of the read but not to many that leads the MC in a different direction that you have planned out. This could even teach the B.A.D. or Acting Lessons a tip or two. Congratulations on both VN you have going. Really well thought out VN. You can easily see the experience and talent you involved in making your second run.

Now for the disturbing part. Got to admit though it looks kind of sketchy in the cliff hanger and the amount of Patreons you have on a monthly basis, not judging just wondering if this or your other VN's will get caught in the cycle Patreon is notorious for doing to great creators like yourself. Meaning it pays more to drag out updates then to finish current ones and start fresh.... I really hope Sir Dammed is of a higher, better talented class, so much talent and still in the developing stage, with a very impressive following/supporters who all feel you will keep creating better VN as you continue to learn/expand.  In any regards, you got my support, for a moment in time. Hoping it developes for you and for us the supporters of you and your team.

If your considering or a fan of VN with adult themes but not just screwing pictures, do not pass up on this one here or any others this team makes!


Thanks for the nice words.

In response to your concerns, believe it or not it actually benefits developers more to put out updates quickly, as each update = more exposure, more exposure = more patrons, and more patrons = more income. The reason it takes me a while to put out updates is simple: rather than releasing smaller, incremental updates that lack polish or that "completed" feel, I like to take my time, make larger updates, and make sure they're polished/mostly free of bugs.

In this quest to achieve quality, I actually sacrifice some of the potential for income I'd otherwise receive if I worked much faster... but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to make for higher quality game updates, as my reputation as a game developer is very important to me!

Thanks for the constructive feedback. I'm going to post above with some info regarding the next chapter's release.


It's good to see a developer stand up for themselves and the practice they are performing. I do like how you did not just deny or reply, but a well worded response to boot! Enough to convince me your worth investing my time in following and do my small part to assist you in making your art a reality & bring to the public.


Thank you for the support!


how long til chapter 2 and would like progress updates woudl be nice ot see how thing are going. hopefully you dont abandon this after just 1 chapter 


Hey Gaij, don't worry, the game won't be abandoned. We put out larger updates (full chapters) which takes a little while.

You can join us over on Patreon if you desire for regular progress updates, monthly 4k wallpapers, and early-access to Ch2, which is coming very soon!

Amazing story, made me cry. Awesome appearance too. Iam so eager for next parts.

please give us the update of this game i mean please update another chapters.

I downloaded the new version but I can't make progress, what's new


Games like this one that makes you have tears falling from your eyes is something I don't get to see in other games. I'm looking forward for the next chapter.

Great, cant wait for more. give a Sisterly Lust by Perverteer vibe going. 

This will be one of the genre defining games!  cant wait. 

Great game it made me cry


i love where this is going and i can not wait for the next chapter come out

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