Awesome News! - Chapter 1 of Radiant is here!

Great news for everyone who is eagerly awaiting Chapter 1 of Radiant: our expected release date is now
Friday, April 3rd at about 9:00PM CDT. 

Yes - we are just TWO days away from Radiant's launch!

Please allow for the potential of 24-48 hour delays in case we get hung up during the testing phase.

If you dislike waiting and want to be among the FIRST of those who get access to the download (before it ever even goes public) consider supporting us on Patreon for just $5/mo!

Not only will you get to play the game the very moment it's out but you'll also get access to exclusive, never before seen NSFW posts and renders, polls that influence the game's direction, 4K monthly wallpapers, and a lot more.

I hope you guys are just as excited for this as I am. And just in case you're not...

Love y'all,


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Do you know when the first chapter will be out for non parteon members?